Ephesians chapter 4 reveals to us that the primary purpose of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers is to equip followers of Jesus so that each of you are able to do the work God has assigned to your lives. Our heart is that everyone is properly equipped and have these free resources available to help you in your journey. As followers of Jesus, we are called to live a life of holiness within a world that tends to pursue everything but holiness. Good spiritual guidance from the Bible and healthy spiritual leaders help us to live out our faith with confidence that the holiness He gave to us can be on display every day.
It is incredibly important for every believer to know the word of God and not simply accept what others say as truth. We need to dig into scripture and study the context so that we can know Jesus more deeply and fully understand what His word conveys to us. We have put together some notes from some of our most common teachings that include the key points and verses for your reference and so you can dig deeper into scripture as well as some foundational content to help you on your journey.