All believers are called to spread the gospel message of Jesus. For some that means going overseas, for others it is to tell neighbors and co-workers about the goodness of God. We all have a roll to play in His kingdom to see lives and communities transformed. Keep charging forward! We challenge you to share your faith with others and actively participate with the spreading of the gospel.

Mar 7-9 – Charis Church Missions – Anacostia, Washington D.C.
Mar 5, 12, 26: Kingdom on the streets – Anacostia, Washington D.C.
Mar 14 – Speakers of Life online gathering
Wounded No More @woundednomore:
With #faith, all things are possible. By faith, the patriarchs gained God’s approval and by faith they accomplished supernatural things that would be impossible otherwise. Choose to believe in the one who made the promise and live with the expectation that anything is possible.
Pick up a copy of Gene & Lauren’s latest book and learn how to step into a lifestyle of fully representing Jesus as his supernatural disciple! Also available with a bulk discount!
Discipleship Training
Quality discipleship is important to the life of every believer. It helps us to focus on who God is, what He has designed for our lives, and how to walk out our faith while practicing a lifestyle of holiness. Discipleship is a lifelong journey where we continue to learn more about Him, because there is always more! Join our mailing list to be notified about our next FREE course.
Outreach Opportunities
See what it looks like to love on purpose and represent Jesus to a hurting and lost world as you join Gene & Lauren on outreach in Southeast Washington D.C. — come by yourself or bring a team from your church/ministry school! The impact on the community and on your own life is greater than you can imagine!