This following content is available for you to use when Gene & Lauren are coming to speak in your church or event. Please let us know if you need anything additional.


Gene and Lauren Lloyd are missionaries to Washington D.C. where they have a heart to restore hope to the lives of people in the nation’s capital, help them find their God given identity and purpose, minister healing, deliverance, and restoration to their lives, and equip them to fulfill their God given purpose. Gene and Lauren’s focus is to serve and pastor residents in D.C. neighborhoods that have experienced generational cycles of poverty and train and equip believers across the United States to live supernatural lifestyles. They both grew up in the church and their positive and negative church experiences have shaped the way they intentionally love others today. They are dedicated to giving back and have spent decades serving others; Lauren as a leader in non-profits advocating for the needs of veterans, military families, and those in underserved populations and Gene, as a twenty-year military veteran, professor, and cyber security consultant. Gene and Lauren are both ordained ministers under the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening and regional leaders within the same network. Gene has earned a Doctor of Computer Science, Master of Ministry, and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree. Lauren has earned a Master of Public Administration and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Public Health degree. They co-founded and direct Wounded No More, a 501c3 faith-based non-profit organization in 2013.
